Labels:daily | earth | fence | field | reckoner | road | sky OCR: tibute vould Papacy CM t1e in his tecna the reccrds of the Seem almost Yecen am liar themen the present Cimean TEA EM d the In dian Muting Iunocent and Bcniface was 1ct at Rome CCH temporary events the 3ucce330 the tiumph the Ling- va33al but at Avignon, figuring asit over lerd Norm an England. Already th eto themon who still claim ed the Vicars Christ asauming universal French were OuY hereditaxy foes, and cutsin the hand the en The mCre dcminicn, were virtu ally 1en indepen den ce the in admissible the Plantag enets asserted Popes would appear to every pabiotis and vidicu lou s the assumpticn thou 3and m arl2s had been paid for the last Englishman King John's tibute Paid Benedict claim ed time to Pope Jchn XXII After 1333 yueut Peter's pence discontinued butit refused, and edict SB virtu ...